Eagle Crest
Joplin High School
Joplin Senior High School
Home of the Eagles!
Joplin, Missouri USA

Class of 1966 Alumni Homepage
Last updated Tuesday, July 02, 2024
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Gas Pump Coming
to Joplin?
Click our station
for the
gas Prices!
Visitor Counter by Digits
Visitors since
January 31st, 2006.

Yahoo has closed all Listservers!
I'm looking for another...
Route '66' Drive-In Click for Joplin area Forecast

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Class of 1966 at Maria's - Saturday, February 17th, 2024

The old gang met February 17th 2024 at Maria's Mexican Grill for dinner.
In front are Joe Burtrum, Gary Ladd, Mona Chapman, Joyce Fritchey, and Margi Barbato
Next row (L-R) Doug Lawson, Deanna Woolsey, Shirley Allen, Jim Scott, and Frank Fogg
Almost hidden on the back row are (L-R) Bill Rowland, Paul Cooper, and Gene Barnes

(Click any link below to open a new page)
Event Calendar
See upcoming events here   (Click for details)

Photo Collection Photos sent to us by members.

Alumni Page Senior class pages from the 1966 yearbook.

In Memoriam
    Click here to open page

LostClassmates Help us locate them

Grade School Project Emerson school

Downloads   Cool stuff to download   (Click to see)  

Contact & Information Let us hear from you!

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Please send any favorite links, page updates, corrections, comments, and reports of dead links to Jim Scott. Enjoy!

The content and management of this website is solely the responsibility of James D. Scott. Any violation of copyright is accidental, and if discovered, will be promptly corrected.
All material presented on this website is intended for the express enjoyment by alumni of Joplin High School and Memorial High School, and is without pecuniary interest.
However, all content is assigned to, or is the property of the publisher (aka head guru), and is hereby copyrighted 2006 - 2023.

All network resources for this site are graciously provided by
Scott Electronic Systems, Inc.
who expense every dime they can!

"Y'all come back now! Ya hear?"

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