In Memoriam
Today's date is Friday, March 14, 2025
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Links to PDF copies of obituaries are placed here as they become available.
The count of this list can be found at the bottom of this page.
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It is with deep regret that we record the passing of these class members.
Johnny Abbott
05/06/1948 - 05/26/1975
Phil Abernathy
06/17/1948 - 11/26/2018
Mike Albright
08/23/1948 - 09/19/2022
Johnnie Anderson
06/24/1948 - 03/11/2014
George Appleton
07/13/1948 - 06/23/2022
Dennis Arft
01/15/1948 - 02/24/2014
Curtis Atteberry
12/13/1947 - 03/02/2024
Richard Baine
04/12/1947 - 05/02/2005
Becky Barnes Simpson
09/24/1948 - 02/19/2022
Kay Barnett
03/25/1948 - 05/20/2009
Stephen Barnett
08/12/1948 - 08/13/2020
Beverly Baum Freyman
01/15/1949 - 11/04/2006
Shirley Baunhofer Croley
09/23/1947 - 03/01/1992
Greg Beeler
05/06/1948 - 08/13/2024
Linda Blowers Peters
08/05/1948 - 05/10/2011
Sharon Bradfield
05/24/1948 - 10/03/2021
Peggy Bray Farney
06/23/1948 - 06/30/2014
Vicki Buckingham Mays
11/06/1948 - 03/11/2020
Bill Bugher
04/29/1947 - 01/17/2011
Paul Burrington
10/25/1948 - 07/05/2015
Jim Byers
01/21/1948 - 11/09/2017
Curtis Campbell
09/11/1948 - 12/02/2023
Gracie Carter
10/24/1948 - 12/16/1998
Joyce Clark Hays
01/21/1948 - 09/14/2024
Mike Clinton
02/03/1948 - 04/14/2024
Susan Coons Batton
01/09/1948 - 01/08/2011
Kenny Couch
08/02/1948 - 02/23/2023
Janet Coulter Davis
03/07/1948 - 12/13/2018
Bobby Cox
04/27/1948 - 11/27/1968
Doug Crane
05/21/1948 - 11/04/2019
Linda Davey Galbraith
02/09/1948 - 02/10/2025
Robert Dawes
11/24/1948 - 01/08/2021
Sondra Doucet Woods
05/07/1948 - 08/02/2003
Ernice Drake
04/07/1948 - 01/11/2011
Ron Durbin
10/20/1947 - 11/17/2005
Virginia Eby Waterfield
08/20/1947 - 09/05/2015
Linda Enyart Sadler
07/05/1948 - 10/13/2021
Linda Fannan Encore
Tom Farney
11/03/1948 - 10/08/2015
Carlene Farrar Kienzle
03/23/1948 - 09/21/2024
Saundra Ferguson Tate
05/02/1948 - 04/02/1972
Debbie Fontaine Heater
12/14/1948 - 07/31/2018
Steve Fuhr
12/23/1948 - 11/21/2016
Mike Gammon
03/24/1948 - 12/17/2014
Sharyn Gilbert Hood
10/26/1948 - 02/03/2023
Janice Gilstrap Garrett
02/11/1948 - 04/11/2024
Floyd Gray
10/26/1948 - 02/03/2018
Sue Ann Gulick Trimble
05/20/1948 - 07/08/2022
Don Gunther
01/25/1948 - 02/29/2020
Sharron Hailey Arnold
07/17/1948 - 04/11/2007
Twyman Hampshire
08/22/1947 - 03/12/2021
Ronald Harnar
03/14/1948 - 06/27/2023
James Hatfield
06/22/1947 - 09/26/1967
Don Hayes
08/01/1948 - 12/04/2024
Kathy Hayes Thompson
04/15/1948 - 11/21/1999
William Heeney
10/10/1948 - 09/19/2007
Charles Hoagland
05/25/1948 - 05/27/2005
Kathy Holden Firey
05/21/1948 - 09/16/2017
Bruce Howerton
12/15/1948 - 06/26/1998
Bob Hunt
01/05/1948 - 09/10/2018
Stan Hunter
05/01/1948 - 02/16/2016
Janice Hutchens Baker
08/20/1948 - 08/11/1968
Bill Hutton
11/11/1947 - 12/05/1991
Janice Keeling Austin
03/25/1948 - 03/28/2023
James Keen
10/25/1948 - 04/24/2018
Chuck Killinger
02/02/1948 - 04/04/2024
Linda Kinney Estes
12/31/1947 - 06/25/2018
Garry Laney
04/05/1948 - 10/10/2020
Marsha Lange
Carol Lemmons Greenlee
07/24/1948 - 05/31/2021
Steve Lenger
12/12/1948 - 09/01/2021
Larry Mahorich
01/31/1948 - 01/22/2022
Larry Maples
09/11/1948 - 02/09/2022
Darby Marcum
02/10/1948 - 09/18/2019
William (Bill) Marks
05/03/1948 - 09/26/2024
Erma Sue Martin Hoag
11/28/1948 - 02/03/2004
Larry Martin
10/01/1948 - 12/02/2020
Clyde Maryman
10/13/1948 - 01/31/2013
David May
11/14/1947 - 08/29/2023
Bob McCurry
02/25/1948 - 12/09/2023
Regina McGehee Sharp
12/15/1948 - 11/21/2020
Linda McLaughlin Baker
03/11/1948 - 04/06/2009
Melody Mehrens Tyree
08/31/1948 - 10/19/2012
Gary Mitchell
08/21/1948 - 03/10/2011
Micky Mitchell
06/18/1948 - 05/30/2018
Linda Monroe
Phyllis Moore
07/11/1948 - 09/22/2002
Robert Morris
12/14/1948 - 04/18/2001
Jerry Moss
01/31/1947 - 08/18/1967
Ulysses Murrell
02/18/1948 - 04/23/2000
Terrie Neal Stevens
04/14/1948 - 07/25/1998
Carl Nolting
03/21/1948 - 09/14/2005
Ronald Northrop
10/16/1947 - 03/11/1971
Joyce O'Connell Vance
10/13/1947 - 02/19/2009
Carolyn Palmisano
02/06/1948 - 07/01/1994
Billy Parker
11/22/1948 - 03/26/2021
Sue Peavler Curlee
11/30/1948 - 11/24/2015
Johnny Peterson
12/07/1947 - 10/04/2005
George Phebus
03/16/1948 - 04/20/1967
Andy Poynor
03/03/1948 - 09/04/2009
Kay Puffinbarger
04/13/1948 - 12/15/2012
Randy Ray
06/22/1948 - 08/31/2005
Glen Reineke
03/29/1947 - 02/01/2009
Patricia Remillard Mosbaugh
08/25/1948 - 05/27/2024
Judy Repplinger
01/09/1948 - 10/23/2000
Rick Roby
03/12/1948 - 10/22/1994
Ralph Rodgers
09/03/1947 - 01/21/2003
Mike Rowe
12/27/1947 - 03/16/1969
Robert Ruhl
02/10/1948 - 02/05/1968
Michael Ryan
06/13/1948 - 12/09/1992
Olive Sadler Jones
07/08/1948 - 10/06/2006
Tim Schmidt
04/08/1948 - 12/23/2022
Dave Scroggins
07/23/1948 - 12/11/2012
David Shaffer
06/30/1948 - 10/02/2021
Taylor Shahan
06/11/1948 - 10/21/2021
Reta Shepherd Sherman
12/12/1948 - 01/02/2007
Jerry Snider
11/21/1947 - 11/06/1989
Gerald Spence
05/17/1948 - 04/29/2010
Larry Spencer
03/30/1948 - 06/06/1996
Deborah Sprowls Longan
02/17/1948 - 06/13/2023
Mickey Stanley
04/09/1948 - 07/26/2017
Sammy Stanley
Gloria Stinnett Colbert
07/20/1948 - 07/19/2011
Clarence Stripling
05/02/1948 - 10/13/2016
Michael Summers
06/15/1948 - 08/11/2011
Robert Summers
10/19/1948 - 06/09/1995
Keith Sweeten
01/03/1948 - 01/08/2015
Charles Taylor
01/23/1949 - 06/16/2011
Cheryl Thompson Markray
03/09/1948 - 10/15/2017
Carolyn Thornberry
10/08/1948 - 06/15/1968
Tony Tudor
03/05/1948 - 09/02/2020
Harvey Virgin
05/09/1947 - 05/11/2022
Allen Walker
04/29/1948 - 08/11/1965
Linda Warden Danner
04/04/1948 - 01/02/2017
Robert Warren
02/03/1948 - 12/07/2009
Mary Jo Wass Wright
11/25/1947 - 09/03/2024
Kenneth Webb
10/27/1948 - 04/19/1973
Frank Welch
03/03/1948 - 11/17/2010
Danny Welton
02/14/1948 - 07/25/2007
Roger West
12/16/1948 - 04/08/2001
Tom Whitten
02/21/1948 - 10/07/1995
Joseph Willhite
03/16/1948 - 03/20/2004
Glenna Willis Shaffer
09/17/1948 - 06/12/1994
Lianna Willis Crandell
04/14/1948 - 05/06/2008
Rocky Windle
07/01/1948 - 06/20/2023
Linda Wright Koenig
01/11/1948 - 03/11/1991
There are 146 known deceased classmates.
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Jim Scott
This PHP script by James D. Scott, with guidance from David Surgi
Copyright © 2023 by James D. Scott
all rights reserved